主頁 > 1707, Black, book, HOLY, PAGES, Tablets > >THE HOLY TABLETS BLACK BOOK PDF E BOOK 1707 PAGES


> The Holy Tablets PDF E BOOK by DR MALACHI Z YORK Consider on e bay this book is sold for 300.00 and you could get a copy the whole book revised 47.74 cpelcephim@gmail for more info. HTP

分類:1707, Black, book, HOLY, PAGES, Tablets
  1. 3 一月, 2011 於 5:27 上午

    >@dhaze1 there was three jesus recranantion happen simon bar jesus got killed onthe cross books been hand down over and over

  2. 3 一月, 2011 於 6:26 上午

    >Peace, could you tell me how i can purchase the pdf version of this book? many thanks.

  3. 3 一月, 2011 於 7:03 上午

    >Peace, could you tell me how i can purchase the pdf version of this book? many thanks.

  4. 3 一月, 2011 於 7:45 上午

    >@dhaze1 it was written by the Ancient khemits and considered lesser mysteries. Jesus is Heru called by Europeans; Horus.

  5. 3 一月, 2011 於 7:52 上午

    >if you find out where i can get one let me know also.

  6. 3 一月, 2011 於 8:15 上午

    >sum one please tell where i can git a copy online or just even be able to look at please…..

  7. 3 一月, 2011 於 8:21 上午

    >Peace. Ive read most of the scrolls that you have shown to us. But Im confused about 2 things which I hope you can educate me on. Ive read some statements that nubian (black) people wrote the bible but also in the nature books it repeats it is the caucasians book? what is what? Also did jesus and muhammad exist? because all of my research leads to them being fictional characters plagerized from ancient egypt. Thanks elder!

  8. 3 一月, 2011 於 8:37 上午

    >tha facts is here get his books and take heed of what he is teaching to my new being real talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. 3 一月, 2011 於 8:55 上午


  10. 3 一月, 2011 於 9:28 上午

    >Thats great elder, Thanks

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