
Archive for the ‘Teaser’ Category

>ARGO Online – Teaser

15 二月, 2011 發表留言

> Already one of the most popular multiplayer titles in Korea, ARGO Online introduces players to a steampunk-themed world where past meets future and magic meets technology. The mechanically savvy Noblian race has been at war with the nature-inspired Floresslah for years, each fighting for control of a valuable resource that is essential to their very survival: Earthdium. No matter which side players choose, they’ll have a grand part to play as they quest and fight their way across this war-torn planet when they visit ARGO Online next spring!

>Trailer – DUKE NUKEM FOREVER "Teaser Trailer" for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360

8 一月, 2011 發表留言

> Put on your sunglasses and prepare to step into the boots of Duke Nukem, whose legend has reached epic proportions in the years since his last adventure. The alien hordes are back and only Duke can save the world, again. Pig cops, alien shrink rays and enormous alien bosses won’t stop our hero from accomplishing his one and only goal: to save the world, save the babes and to be a bad-ass while doing it. The King of All Shooters is back with over-the-top weapons, massive aliens and unprecedented levels of interactivity. This game puts pedal to the metal and tongue firmly in cheek, among other places. Shoot hoops, lift weights, read adult magazines, draw crude messages on whiteboards or ogle one of the many beautiful women that populate Duke’s life; that is if you can pull yourself away long enough from kicking ass and taking names. Duke Nukem was and will forever be immortalized in gaming history, and this is his legend.