
Archive for the ‘explained’ Category

>NIBIRU – explained by Joe Rogan

18 三月, 2011 發表留言

> The term “Nibiru" comes from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings dating 5000 years old. The term Nibiru means “Planet of the crossing", and it’s cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq. Planet X or Nibiru as called by Zecharia Sitchin and the ancient Sumerians has a 3600 year elliptical orbit that causes periodic havoc on our solar system

>NIBIRU – explained by Joe Rogan

18 三月, 2011 發表留言

> The term “Nibiru" comes from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings dating 5000 years old. The term Nibiru means “Planet of the crossing", and it’s cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq. Planet X or Nibiru as called by Zecharia Sitchin and the ancient Sumerians has a 3600 year elliptical orbit that causes periodic havoc on our solar system

>Tech support explained – Paul Varghese

11 一月, 2011 發表留言

> It’s in their contract not to break character.Comedy on your phone at m.rooftopcomedy.com. Rooftop films comedy every night from the clubs around the world, updating RooftopComedy.com every day with the best and edgiest comedy. Check out the site or watch right now on your phone at m.rooftopcomedy.com