
Archive for the ‘Hexi’ Category

>How to use a Hexi cooker.

17 三月, 2011 發表留言

> www.ShopontheFarside.co.uk Heximine cooker These cookers are ideal for camping, fishing, festivals, hiking and military use. Light weight & compact for easy storage. We have distributed these cookers to a number of armies around the world. If you would like to purchase some cookers you can buy online now. Favoured by the British Forces and Armies throughout the world. Our cookers come complete with 8 hexamine tablets & mug stand. The Hexamine tablets last for about ten minutes each. ShopontheFarside also supply Hexamine tablets, Ration packs, Flameless Heaters, Waterproof matches and other camping accessories. Hexamine cooker £2.99 includes 8 tablets buy online now at http://www.shoponthefarside.co.uk

分類:cooker., Hexi, Tablets

>How to use a Hexi cooker.

17 三月, 2011 發表留言

> www.ShopontheFarside.co.uk Heximine cooker These cookers are ideal for camping, fishing, festivals, hiking and military use. Light weight & compact for easy storage. We have distributed these cookers to a number of armies around the world. If you would like to purchase some cookers you can buy online now. Favoured by the British Forces and Armies throughout the world. Our cookers come complete with 8 hexamine tablets & mug stand. The Hexamine tablets last for about ten minutes each. ShopontheFarside also supply Hexamine tablets, Ration packs, Flameless Heaters, Waterproof matches and other camping accessories. Hexamine cooker £2.99 includes 8 tablets buy online now at http://www.shoponthefarside.co.uk

分類:cooker., Hexi, Tablets