
Archive for the ‘Budokai’ Category

>Dragonball Z Budokai 2 For PC [FREE FULL DOWNLOAD] 100% SPEED

18 三月, 2011 發表留言

> DBZ Budokai 2 for NGC is fully playable for the PC! The Emulator Hase The Right Settings Alraidy To Play At Full Speed!!Follow the instructions of the site and play the game! Enjoy. LINK: dbmugen.webs.com 1: Go to the Links page. 2: Search for Dragonball z budokai 2 for pc and click on it. 3: Megaupload page will open. 4: enter the 4 letter/number password. 5: wait 45 seconds and download. 6: unzip the file when done downloading. 7: open the map and click “dolphin" to play the game! 8: if you got any problems visit the forum on the website! Enjoy playing DBZ budokai 2! (also dbz budokai for the pc on the website for download!)