
Archive for the ‘Tom’s’ Category

>5 HOTTEST Tablets! Xoom, Playbook, or iPad? – Tom’s Top 5

15 二月, 2011 發表留言

> The most lustworthy tablet devices according to GDGT users. The iPad, derided as a ridiculously-named product ins earache of a need at launch, has now become the darling of the technology world. And we know what happens when Apple makes another darling of the technology world. Everybody else copies it. This year’s Consumer Electronics Show was an avalanche of tablet competitors all vying to take market share away forma the iPad. So did any catch your eye?

>5 HOTTEST Tablets! Xoom, Playbook, or iPad? – Tom’s Top 5

15 二月, 2011 發表留言

> The most lustworthy tablet devices according to GDGT users. The iPad, derided as a ridiculously-named product ins earache of a need at launch, has now become the darling of the technology world. And we know what happens when Apple makes another darling of the technology world. Everybody else copies it. This year’s Consumer Electronics Show was an avalanche of tablet competitors all vying to take market share away forma the iPad. So did any catch your eye?