
Archive for the ‘AllInOne’ Category

>Gadget Show: All-in-one PCs, iMac vs Sony vs HP

23 三月, 2011 發表留言

> The Gadget Show pits 3 all-in-one PCs against each other to decide which is best in class. Apple’s perennial iMac takes on young pretenders from Sony and HP.

分類:AllInOne, Gadget, iMac, show, Sony

>PC/Windows News- MSI creates the first 3d All-In-One PC? (new series)

25 十二月, 2010 1 則迴響

> MSI 3d AIO tinyurl.com 10x faster usb 3.0 tinyurl.com Tiny PC is cheap, silent, powerful- mac mini competitor tinyurl.com The “Swiss Army Knife" of headphones tinyurl.com Thanks to emoiz for the stories