
Archive for the ‘Monkey’ Category

>TehNoobShow & Jagex present: the Monkey Voice Competition

3 四月, 2011 發表留言

> Grab your microphone and lend your voice to the poor monkey and you could win big! Find out all of the details at RuneScape.com

>PC Longplay [001] The Curse of Monkey Island

3 三月, 2011 發表留言

> www.longplays.net Played By RickyC 2nd time uploaded because the others seemed to have broken somehow. Made into one video too. Not into the 3rd and 4th in the series. So i didnt know my way round the game but i got used to it after awhile. The start im still getting used to controls 😮 I love the monkey pirate guy and kenny! Thought the story wasnt as good as the second and blood island wasnt too interesting! but nice step up on the looks of the game and cutscenes and music are good! Because i didnt know the game im sure i missed a lot on this play, i was just doing what i needed to do to complete the game. THe audio skips whenever i saved to take a break or mostly because i had no idea what to do. I didnt seem to cut it carefully enough!

>The official Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Trailer

28 二月, 2011 發表留言

> The official Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Trailer (E3 Trailer) The game is comming to PC Download and XBox Live at Summer 09 More Infos at http://www.lucasarts.com