主頁 > apple, iPad, Stress, Tablets, Tests > >Apple iPad Stress Tests

>Apple iPad Stress Tests

> How sturdy is Apple’s latest gadget, the iPad? Senior Editor Tim Moynihan applied our grueling set of classic stress tests to the device so you don’t have to…

分類:apple, iPad, Stress, Tablets, Tests
  1. 2 一月, 2011 於 5:46 上午

    >hahahahaahhhaha this is the greatest

  2. 2 一月, 2011 於 6:16 上午

    >haha yeah take an android tablet and ill bet you itll smash into 400000000000000000000000000000000 pieces if you pick it up. – unbiased comment from a Vista fanboy. not.

  3. 2 一月, 2011 於 6:39 上午

    >your an idiot "the ipad broke kinda easily… you washed it under water then dropped in face down on asphalt… Leave it to a pc person to use his bias to try and dis the ipad

  4. 2 一月, 2011 於 6:48 上午

    >use the donut luke

  5. 2 一月, 2011 於 7:23 上午

    >the ipad tablet is so excellent,they are really providing people with some of the more sophisticated models so that people can test them out and make sure they work correctly this dude uploaded a tutorial that shows exactly how he receives products for testing, like the ipad just copy/paste the url i shrunk: n n ipadtestingtutorial.co.at.mn n n come back and thummbs this plzzz 🙂

  6. 2 一月, 2011 於 8:02 上午

    >the ipad tablet is so incredible,they are really providing people with some of the more sophisticated designs so that folks can test them and make sure that they can work correctly this dude has a tutorial which shows just how he gets products for testing, like the ipad you just have to copy/paste the url i shrank: n n ipadtestingtutorial.co.at.mn n n come back and thumbbs this plzz 🙂 🙂

  7. 2 一月, 2011 於 8:40 上午

    >Who is this guy?So basically your telling us that you can break an electronic device by putting it in water or dropping it. How is this news to anyone?

  8. 2 一月, 2011 於 9:38 上午

    >can i haz the dead ipad?

  9. 2 一月, 2011 於 10:22 上午

    >thanks god , He got a freak face

  10. 2 一月, 2011 於 10:53 上午

    >@headshotz2weak Lol

  11. 2 一月, 2011 於 11:23 上午

    >haha 3:34.

  12. 2 一月, 2011 於 11:48 上午

    >this makes me wanna barf like your face

  13. 2 一月, 2011 於 12:42 下午

    >wow you should have hit it with a sledge hammer

  14. 2 一月, 2011 於 1:13 下午


  15. 2 一月, 2011 於 1:18 下午

    >Noooo the iPad noooooo!!!

  16. 2 一月, 2011 於 1:24 下午

    >wow. that guy is sooooo sexy 😀

  17. 2 一月, 2011 於 1:59 下午

    >this guy in the beginning is gay

  18. 2 一月, 2011 於 2:03 下午

    >your bitch

  19. 2 一月, 2011 於 2:09 下午

    >What ever he gets paid an hour is to much.

  20. 2 一月, 2011 於 2:31 下午

    >Moron!!! BTW get a bath!!!

  21. 2 一月, 2011 於 3:12 下午

    >go to hill hahahahaha

  22. 2 一月, 2011 於 4:04 下午

    >The apples largest portable device

  23. 2 一月, 2011 於 4:35 下午

    >Why crunch a iPad? It is pointless and stupid!

  24. 2 一月, 2011 於 5:30 下午

    >I'm really thinking of like flagging this as inappropriate for promoting hate and violence or something

  25. 2 一月, 2011 於 5:48 下午

    >I find this very, very disgusting. Very, very disgusting…i would love to have an iPad and you waste it doing this???? You and your tests are a waste. oh and BTW, aren't electronic devices usually sensitive to like water, and hard drops, and being hit by baseballs? stupid.

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