主頁 > Heaven, iPad, Made, Match, Tablets, Velcro > >The iPad and Velcro, a Match Made in Heaven [HD]

>The iPad and Velcro, a Match Made in Heaven [HD]

> Gizmodo, “At first, I thought this would be a bad idea. But having watched this video, I kind of want to stick velcro all over my apartment." [This video was posted by Jesse Rosten at DV Culture ] [Visit his website at http://www.jesserosten.com]

  1. 29 十二月, 2010 於 11:36 上午


  2. 29 十二月, 2010 於 12:20 下午

    >Haha.. But I don't have the 3 g for the maps to work in my car…

  3. 29 十二月, 2010 於 12:51 下午

    >Wow! It's amazing! I'm definitely gonna buy this for my iPad !

  4. 29 十二月, 2010 於 1:33 下午

    >the ipad tablet is so unbelievable, it's nuts. they are giving out some of the more sophisticated versions so that folks can test them and ensure they operate correctly this guy uploaded a tutorial that shows how he gets products for testing, like the ipad just copy/paste the weblink i shrunk: n n ipadtestingtutorial.co.at.mn n n return and thummbs this plzz 🙂 🙂

  5. 29 十二月, 2010 於 1:50 下午

    >south park at 1:38 :):):):)

  6. 29 十二月, 2010 於 2:15 下午

    >the apple ipad is indeed amazing, and it's only getting even better.they're providing people with a lot of the more sophisticated models so that individuals can test them out and make sure that they work correctly this dude has a tutorial which demonstrates just how he receives products for testing, like the ipad you just have to copy/paste the web address i shortened: n n ipadtestingtutorial.co.at.mn n n return and thumbbs this plzz 🙂 🙂

  7. 29 十二月, 2010 於 2:32 下午

    >what camera and lens were used on the motorcycle?

  8. 29 十二月, 2010 於 3:10 下午

    >@allybongoyamongo Buy the right velcro and it will hold with no problems at all. I'm a bass player in a band and use 3M 'industrial' velcro to attach effect pedals to my pedal board. It is crazy hard to separate and the adhesive that holds the velcro in place is just as strong.. There is no way in the world an ipad would just fall off with that stuff or similar.

  9. 29 十二月, 2010 於 3:50 下午

    >Forte questo

  10. 29 十二月, 2010 於 4:07 下午

    >@appleintosh yeh but he doesnt have one on right now

  11. 29 十二月, 2010 於 4:55 下午

    >@SixEqualParts they make waterproof cases

  12. 29 十二月, 2010 於 5:05 下午

    >iPad +Case + Velcro + Not Needing To Stick Anything To Your $500 – $900 iPad =<3

  13. 29 十二月, 2010 於 5:41 下午

    >nice, but tacky. for my kitchen, I use The Original Kitchen IPad Rack – search "kitchen ipad rack" to see what i mean

  14. 29 十二月, 2010 於 6:09 下午

    >1:29 what if it rains 😀

  15. 29 十二月, 2010 於 6:43 下午

    >haha cool!!

  16. 29 十二月, 2010 於 7:24 下午


  17. 29 十二月, 2010 於 8:17 下午

    >yeah notice that velcro peeling all the way off both sides on the wall and the bike we know you dont use them like this everyday lol if so i hope your got it insured lol

  18. 29 十二月, 2010 於 8:51 下午

    >@hannaqt1 haha i always get suckered into clicking on those ads and ALMOST finishing until you have to pay for shit. you'll give away a $700 product but you won't give $3.00 to ship some product that you want reviewed… no thanks. not going to sucker me.

  19. 29 十二月, 2010 於 9:34 下午

    >But wen ya take the Velcro off, it'll leave a sticky mark. And you hav a medic alert bracelet. I hav one aswell for epilepsy.

  20. 29 十二月, 2010 於 10:19 下午

    >how much dose that app cost

  21. 29 十二月, 2010 於 10:43 下午


  22. 29 十二月, 2010 於 11:23 下午

    >No way would that hold your ipad in a car one pot hole and its curtains

  23. 30 十二月, 2010 於 12:02 上午

    >putting anywhere but the window that stupied

  24. 30 十二月, 2010 於 12:57 上午

    >maybe not the roof or the moter cycle but nice vid anyway

  25. 30 十二月, 2010 於 1:15 上午

    >haha nie

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