主頁 > Noteboek, notebook > >Noteboek


> Noteboek (English title: Notebook) consists of 4 short experimental films where I confuse the reality. In these films, illusions and expectations are challenged. I used several animation techniques to make this film like stop-motion and rothoscopy. Noteboek is a short film and part of my graduation project (AKV/St.Joost, Breda, 2008). If you want to see more work please visit: evelienlohbeck.com Music: The White Stripes-Seven Nation Army. This video has been selected as one of the 25 top videos for YouTube Play. See the entire shortlist at youtube.com/play.

分類:Noteboek, notebook
  1. 29 十二月, 2010 於 6:43 上午

    >still using xp

  2. 29 十二月, 2010 於 7:09 上午

    >thumbs up if guggenheim brought you here 🙂

  3. 29 十二月, 2010 於 7:45 上午

    >@manubrow380 Perhaps in this "Paper World" where paper, apparently without any particular element, can be use as electronic devices, the time passes at a different scale.

  4. 29 十二月, 2010 於 8:01 上午

    >very clever and well done!

  5. 29 十二月, 2010 於 8:21 上午


  6. 29 十二月, 2010 於 9:00 上午

    >Super clever short films that play with conventions of technology, while maintaining the charming folkiness of analog process. Nice work!

  7. 29 十二月, 2010 於 9:05 上午

    >Super clever short films that play with conventions of technology, and yet maintains the charming folkiness of analog too. Nice work!

  8. 29 十二月, 2010 於 9:51 上午

    >the clock of the notebook is broken . 13:20 for ever !!but very nice video !!!

  9. 29 十二月, 2010 於 9:54 上午

    >whoa!!genial..this is very nice.!!!

  10. 29 十二月, 2010 於 10:10 上午

    >@mgDesignzt hmm, i never eat toast with knife and fork! x)

  11. 29 十二月, 2010 於 10:51 上午

    >@GuruDapi oja, haha, dat was me niet eens opgevallen! x)oog voor detail!

  12. 29 十二月, 2010 於 11:42 上午

    >Super geweldig awesome, alleen jammer dat het klokje rechtsonder niet doorloopt.Maar verder een heel leuk filmpje!

  13. 29 十二月, 2010 於 11:42 上午

    >can i have ur note book XD

  14. 29 十二月, 2010 於 11:57 上午

    >93 people use macs

  15. 29 十二月, 2010 於 11:57 上午

    >@Joshatdot : It's a Dutch thing hahaha

  16. 29 十二月, 2010 於 12:19 下午

    >how the heck did you do that???

  17. 29 十二月, 2010 於 12:23 下午

    >[…] Noteboek | ?PC World? […]

  18. 29 十二月, 2010 於 12:48 下午

    >heh very cool! .. but why eat toast &cheese with knife & fork?

  19. 29 十二月, 2010 於 1:43 下午

    >super filmpje..Mooi dat de creafive mensen onder ons waardering krijgen voor de mooie dingen die ze maken!Hoorde dat dit het beste filmpje is geworden op BNR..super

  20. 29 十二月, 2010 於 2:08 下午

    >ez qrvajó ^^)itsa awesome^^)

  21. 29 十二月, 2010 於 2:49 下午

    >OMG this is like awesome! Geweldig!

  22. 29 十二月, 2010 於 3:02 下午

    >Echt goed gedaan !Hoe heb je dat gemaakt ?? Super 😉

  23. 29 十二月, 2010 於 3:54 下午

    >Clock is not working. Always 15:20

  24. 29 十二月, 2010 於 4:05 下午

    >superknap werkje (Y)(Y)(Y)

  25. 29 十二月, 2010 於 4:30 下午

    >Hoorde je zojuist in de auto op BNR en moest thuis natuurlijk onmiddellijk kijken. Wat knap gedaan!

  26. 29 十二月, 2010 於 4:48 下午

    >Leuk gedaan! Ziet er echt tof uit!

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